Cyber Security Blog

Read our blog posts to stay on top of the latest developments, trends, and best practices in cybersecurity. Our experts regularly share valuable insights and tips to help you proactively protect yourself and your business from cyber threats and hackers.

How to Choose the Right Pentesting Partner?

Security is a top priority for any organization, and critical in protecting valuable data from malicious actors. Pentesting offers the perfect solution to evaluate your IT system’s security – simulating attacks to uncover previously unknown weaknesses before they can be exploited by bad actors. But when selecting a pentesting partner…

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Demonstrating the need for Cybersecurity Awareness

  Today, cybersecurity is critical for individuals, businesses, and governments. With the increasing reliance on technology and the Internet, the threat of cyber attacks has never been greater. Therefore, it is essential that individuals and businesses take measures to protect themselves and their sensitive information from cyber threats. One of…

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How to Build a Security Awareness Training Program

Establishing a security awareness training program is an important step all organizations should take to protect against cyber threats and data breaches. Educating employees on security best practices can help mitigate risks and keep your company and its sensitive data safe. Here are the steps to follow for a security…

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How to protect your business from Ransomware?

  In recent years, companies have had to deal a lot with ransomware. Ransomware is a highly malicious attack by cybercriminals whereby they take over your computers and systems and hold them hostage until your company pays an often large sum of money in cryptocurrency. Many companies in Belgium and the…

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Coronavirus Homeworkers: ideal prey for hackers

In this time of crisis, everyone is advised to work from home as much as possible, which brings with it the necessary problems… Hackers are lurking to take advantage of security problems and stiff web applications. Meanwhile, Telco’s indicate an explosive increase in the number of homeworkers. Here are our…

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Difference between Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing

Ethical hacking and penetration testing are two different things, but the terms are often used interchangeably. Although these terms are very different, they enable companies to improve their cybersecurity and reduce the likelihood of a cyber attack. Carefully choosing the right testing methods is essential for companies to protect themselves…

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What is a Pentest?

  Have you ever wondered what a pentest (or penetration test) is? It’s not something that many people are familiar with, but if you’re a business owner or security professional, it can be an invaluable tool in keeping your networks safe. In this blog post, we’ll break down what exactly…

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New employees: the weakest link in your organization?

  As the saying goes, “The weakest link in the chain is the one that breaks it.” The same is true for your organization. If you have a new, inexperienced employee, they may be the weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity. That’s why it’s so important to provide security…

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What is CEO fraud?

  CEO fraud is a phenomenon that has been circulating for a number of years at large institutions, but now also affects small companies and associations. With CEO fraud, a cybercriminal assumes the identity of the CEO in order to make payment requests to the executive secretary, the CFO or…

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Tips to protect against CEO fraud

  CEO fraud, also known as “business email compromise“, is a type of cybercrime that involves criminals posing as the CEO or another high-level executive in order to trick employees into transferring money or divulging sensitive information. It can be a serious threat to businesses, as it can result in…

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