Popular Cybersecurity Workshops
Cyber Security Awareness
Memorable awareness sessions with focus topics by the specific target audiences.
Boardroom Session - NIS2
In this workshop, learn how NIS2 regulations affect cybersecurity and meet the requirements.
Incident Response Plan
In 6 steps, we set up your cybersecurity incident response plan. For when things do go wrong.
Ransomware Resilience
We discuss all the proactive measures you can take to prevent ransomware.
Cyber Security Advisory
One-time or ad interim cybersecurity support and guidance as an extension of IT teams.
Hands-on Pentest
This workshop will enable you to pen test your own business environment in the future.
Cloud Security Check-up
Telecommuting and migrations to the cloud bring security risks. We check everything thoroughly.
Workshop on Demand
We are open to specific assignments. No job is too big, no hacker brain is too small.
Connect with our ethical hackers today!
Email: info@sectricity.com
Call: Belgium +32 9 298 05 85 or Netherlands +31 85 888 16 44
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