Cyber Security Blog

Read our blog posts to stay on top of the latest developments, trends, and best practices in cybersecurity. Our experts regularly share valuable insights and tips to help you proactively protect yourself and your business from cyber threats and hackers.

Larger companies gain more from Cyber Penetration Testing

  Cybercriminals are constantly changing their tactics and even the largest companies can fall victim to attacks. In fact, larger companies are often an easier target for cyber attacks than smaller ones. In this blog post, we look at why larger companies are at greater risk of cyber attacks and…

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How to protect your business from Ransomware?

  In recent years, companies have had to deal a lot with ransomware. Ransomware is a highly malicious attack by cybercriminals whereby they take over your computers and systems and hold them hostage until your company pays an often large sum of money in cryptocurrency. Many companies in Belgium and the…

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Tips to protect against CEO fraud

  CEO fraud, also known as “business email compromise“, is a type of cybercrime that involves criminals posing as the CEO or another high-level executive in order to trick employees into transferring money or divulging sensitive information. It can be a serious threat to businesses, as it can result in…

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Real-world Penetration Testing Scenarios: Everything You Need to Know

  Penetration testing is the simulation of cyber attacks on a computer system, network, or Web application to test its defenses and identify vulnerabilities. A pentest is a crucial part of companies’ cybersecurity strategy because it helps identify and fix flaws before they can be exploited by malicious hackers. In…

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10 Signs You’ve Been Hacked: Protecting Your Digital Identity

  With more and more personal and sensitive information being stored online, cyber attacks are becoming more common. Hacking can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and damage to your online reputation. To avoid becoming a victim of a hacking incident, it is important to know the signs and take…

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The 5 Benefits of Ethical Hacking

  Ethical hacking is a process that empowers cybersecurity experts to examine your organization’s networks and systems to find vulnerabilities and potential threats before hackers do. Here are 5 benefits of performing regular ethical hacking exercises: Strengthen your defenses against outside attacks Discover vulnerabilities before hackers do Increase employee awareness…

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What is Social Engineering?

  If you’ve been hearing the term “social engineering” a lot lately, you’re not alone. It’s quickly becoming one of the most talked-about topics in the world of technology and cybersecurity. So, what exactly is social engineering? Let’s take a closer look. What Is Social Engineering? Social engineering is an…

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What to Know About Triple Extortion Ransomware

  These days, nothing seems to be safe from cybercriminals. In particular, ransomware has become a major problem for both businesses and individuals. The latest development in this area is the so-called triple extortion ransomware, and if you don’t know what it is or how to protect against it, you could…

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What is Phishing?

  Phishing is a common online scam where cybercriminals attempt to gain access to sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers by posing as a legitimate entity. It’s important to remember that phishing scams can take many forms, so it’s essential for all online users to be…

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Demonstrating the need for Cybersecurity Awareness

  Today, cybersecurity is critical for individuals, businesses, and governments. With the increasing reliance on technology and the Internet, the threat of cyber attacks has never been greater. Therefore, it is essential that individuals and businesses take measures to protect themselves and their sensitive information from cyber threats. One of…

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