Cyber Security Blog

Read our blog posts to stay on top of the latest developments, trends, and best practices in cybersecurity. Our experts regularly share valuable insights and tips to help you proactively protect yourself and your business from cyber threats and hackers.

How to Choose the Right Pentesting Partner?

Security is a top priority for any organization, and critical in protecting valuable data from malicious actors. Pentesting offers the perfect solution to evaluate your IT system’s security – simulating attacks to uncover previously unknown weaknesses before they can be exploited by bad actors. But when selecting a pentesting partner…

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Larger companies gain more from Cyber Penetration Testing

  Cybercriminals are constantly changing their tactics and even the largest companies can fall victim to attacks. In fact, larger companies are often an easier target for cyber attacks than smaller ones. In this blog post, we look at why larger companies are at greater risk of cyber attacks and…

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10 Information Security Awareness Best Practices

  Information security is a major concern for individuals, businesses, and governments alike in today’s digital age. With the increasing reliance on technology and the Internet, the threat of cyber attacks has never been greater. Therefore, it is essential that individuals and businesses take measures to protect themselves and their…

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The ROI of your Security Awareness Program

  One of the difficulties customers experience in the run-up to their security awareness program is determining ROI. How do you, as a company, find out how much money you will effectively earn back with your program? And when is that payback moment there? Determining ROI of your security awareness…

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What is Social Engineering?

  If you’ve been hearing the term “social engineering” a lot lately, you’re not alone. It’s quickly becoming one of the most talked-about topics in the world of technology and cybersecurity. So, what exactly is social engineering? Let’s take a closer look. What Is Social Engineering? Social engineering is an…

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Phishing in this new Corona Age

  Now that we all work from home and use email and WhatsApp more often, the number of Phishing messages circulating has increased significantly. From malicious emails posing as an official agency or well-known company to links to phishing websites forwarded via messaging, it’s very watchful in this new Corona…

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Coronavirus Homeworkers: ideal prey for hackers

In this time of crisis, everyone is advised to work from home as much as possible, which brings with it the necessary problems… Hackers are lurking to take advantage of security problems and stiff web applications. Meanwhile, Telco’s indicate an explosive increase in the number of homeworkers. Here are our…

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7 tips to protect against Ransomware

  Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts a victim’s files. The attackers then demand a ransom from the victim to restore access to the files for a fee. Ransomware attacks can be particularly devastating for businesses, resulting in disruptions to operations and financial losses. Follow these best practices to protect…

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What is Security Awareness?

  Security awareness refers to the knowledge and understanding that individuals have about computer and network security, and the measures they take to protect against cyber threats. Employees need to have an awareness of information security as well as a sense of responsibility for it in order to prevent these…

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Summer vacation: Hackers remain active and operational

Although summer is synonymous with relaxation and vacation for many, it is important to realize that hackers do not adhere to seasonal breaks. In fact, they actually exploit human error more during these periods. Therefore, we recommend that companies conduct penetration tests even during the summer months to mitigate the…

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