Cyber Security Blog

Read our blog posts to stay on top of the latest developments, trends, and best practices in cybersecurity. Our experts regularly share valuable insights and tips to help you proactively protect yourself and your business from cyber threats and hackers.

Real-world Penetration Testing Scenarios: Everything You Need to Know

  Penetration testing is the simulation of cyber attacks on a computer system, network, or Web application to test its defenses and identify vulnerabilities. A pentest is a crucial part of companies’ cybersecurity strategy because it helps identify and fix flaws before they can be exploited by malicious hackers. In…

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How to protect your business from Ransomware?

  In recent years, companies have had to deal a lot with ransomware. Ransomware is a highly malicious attack by cybercriminals whereby they take over your computers and systems and hold them hostage until your company pays an often large sum of money in cryptocurrency. Many companies in Belgium and the…

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How to prevent a Phishing attack

  A phishing attack is a common method by which cybercriminals attempt to steal sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial information, and personal data. These attacks often involve fake emails, websites or posts on social media that appear legitimate but are actually designed to trick people into giving away…

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What is Social Engineering?

  If you’ve been hearing the term “social engineering” a lot lately, you’re not alone. It’s quickly becoming one of the most talked-about topics in the world of technology and cybersecurity. So, what exactly is social engineering? Let’s take a closer look. What Is Social Engineering? Social engineering is an…

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Implementing a Human-centered Approach to Cybersecurity

  Cybersecurity is an area that is constantly evolving, and it is important that organizations take the necessary steps to protect their data and systems from cyber-attacks. One of the most effective ways to do this is by implementing a human-centered approach to cybersecurity. In this blog, we discuss what…

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Cybersecurity on wheels: the Security Awareness Escape Room Truck

  As the number of cyber-attacks increases, companies are using various techniques to make their employees aware of cyber security. One such technique is our security awareness escape room truck, which has gained popularity in recent years. In this blog post, we provide an overview of our mobile cybersecurity escape…

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The danger of SMS Phishing: how to protect against it?

  Today, phishing is becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. One form of phishing that is becoming more common is SMS phishing, also known as “smishing.” This form of scam uses text messages to trick people into giving away sensitive information or downloading malware to their devices. What is…

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How to Build a Security Awareness Training Program

Establishing a security awareness training program is an important step all organizations should take to protect against cyber threats and data breaches. Educating employees on security best practices can help mitigate risks and keep your company and its sensitive data safe. Here are the steps to follow for a security…

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