Cyber Security Blog

Read our blog posts to stay on top of the latest developments, trends, and best practices in cybersecurity. Our experts regularly share valuable insights and tips to help you proactively protect yourself and your business from cyber threats and hackers.

Why do companies pay for Ethical Hacking?

The term hacker often reminds us of a lonely person with a hood on, in the dark behind the computer. Someone who invades our daily lives reads our secrets and steals our money. Still, not all hackers are bad or out for money. There are also ethical hackers and experts…

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Proactive Cybersecurity: No, not every company gets hacked

  Hacking is rampant and data breaches are the order of the day. Therefore, many think that every business will eventually fall victim to a cyberattack. However, this is a myth that needs to be debunked. With proactive cyber security measures, such as penetration testing and security awareness, companies can…

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Coronavirus Homeworkers: ideal prey for hackers

In this time of crisis, everyone is advised to work from home as much as possible, which brings with it the necessary problems… Hackers are lurking to take advantage of security problems and stiff web applications. Meanwhile, Telco’s indicate an explosive increase in the number of homeworkers. Here are our…

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The blind spot of (human) Cybersecurity unmasked

We invest heavily in firewalls, anti-virus software and encryption protocols to protect our digital assets. Yet there is a crucial blind spot in our cybersecurity efforts that is often overlooked: the human factor. Human error remains one of the biggest threats to our digital security, and understanding and addressing this…

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10 Information Security Awareness Best Practices

  Information security is a major concern for individuals, businesses, and governments alike in today’s digital age. With the increasing reliance on technology and the Internet, the threat of cyber attacks has never been greater. Therefore, it is essential that individuals and businesses take measures to protect themselves and their…

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Implementing a Human-centered Approach to Cybersecurity

  Cybersecurity is an area that is constantly evolving, and it is important that organizations take the necessary steps to protect their data and systems from cyber-attacks. One of the most effective ways to do this is by implementing a human-centered approach to cybersecurity. In this blog, we discuss what…

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What is CEO fraud?

  CEO fraud is a phenomenon that has been circulating for a number of years at large institutions, but now also affects small companies and associations. With CEO fraud, a cybercriminal assumes the identity of the CEO in order to make payment requests to the executive secretary, the CFO or…

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The danger of SMS Phishing: how to protect against it?

  Today, phishing is becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. One form of phishing that is becoming more common is SMS phishing, also known as “smishing.” This form of scam uses text messages to trick people into giving away sensitive information or downloading malware to their devices. What is…

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