No Cure? No Pay.

You can only win as a company with this No Cure No Pay formula! If our hackers don't find any mistakes, you don't pay anything. If they do find mistakes, you pay a predetermined rate. Easy, right? Not unimportant: you always know who the hacker is and when he will hack. So 100% transparency.

Low urgency (K4)

Criticality from 0 to
€ 0,- per error

Medium urgency (K3)

Criticality from 25 to
€ 250,- per error

High urgency (K2)

Criticality from 50 to
€ 500,- per error

Very critical (K1)

Criticality from 75 to
€ 1250,- per error

Bugs No Cure No Pay according to criticality from low to high (4 - 1)

We guarantee 100% transparency by sharing the hacker's contact details as well as this pre-defined no cure no pay bug list. So you only pay for what we can hack.*

Advantages of this No Cure No Pay formula?


You meet the hacker beforehand. So you always know who's hacking and when. Moreover, there is a clear overview of possible errors and data leaks. So you always know in advance how much will be charged (or nothing at all, of course).


With this formula, you can have your business environment regularly checked for cyber security, even with low budgets. You don't pay unnecessary hours. If no bugs or data leaks are found, the service costs nothing. If we discover data leaks, you'll know immediately.


You have nothing to lose. On the contrary! As an independent party, we often act as a control body for our clients. Even if your IT supplier says your environment is super secure, you can have it double-checked. That way, your company is always in top-cyber form.

Hacking facts and figures

Hacking is a serious problem for companies.

days it takes on average for a hack to be discovered
% of all hacking attacks can be easily prevented
% of digital burglaries have been patchable for more than 1 year

Connect with our ethical hackers today!


Call: Belgium +32 9 298 05 85 or Netherlands +31 85 888 16 44

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