Security Awareness Animations

The Security Awareness Animations teach in a fun and airy way how to work safer. Each time a new IT security topic is explained in 2 minutes. After just over 30 minutes, your staff is completely up-to-date and you will soon notice the results. So forget about the long texts and endless slides ...

All videos are up-to-date and updated regularly. We can also apply your logo and corporate identity to achieve maximum involvement.

In any case, we turn a boring subject into a fascinating experience and draw the full attention of your staff. Airy animation that "lingers" will be more easily digested than a boring plate session.

The Security Awareness Animations are available in Flemish, French, English and Dutch. Other languages are on request.


  1. Easy to digest
  2. Low-threshold and short (100 seconds)
  3. Up-to-date and up-to-date
  4. Ideal for SMEs

Connect with our ethical hackers today!


Call: Belgium +32 9 298 05 85 or Netherlands +31 85 888 16 44

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