Ethical Hacking

Burglars also know how to break in, don't they?

Engage our ethical hackers to thoroughly check your IT infrastructure for security and data leaks. With our expert ethical hacking service, we simulate a hacking attack on your company network, websites, e-shops, databases or computers. We use the same methods and techniques as rogue hackers. We have 4 ethical hacks available per category - depending on the prior knowledge and background information you entrust us with:

  1. No cure? No pay: if our hackers don't find any mistakes, you don't pay anything
  2. Black box test: without prior information about the environment
  3. Grey box test: with partial information about the environment (e.g. to access an application)
  4. White box test: with complete information about the environment

After thorough manual and contextual testing, you will receive an extensive report with recommendations, which we will explain during a debriefing call. So you know exactly where the errors and data leaks are in your IT security and you can take the necessary measures immediately.

Do you need an ethical hacking test to comply with a certification standard? Do you want to test the current IT consultant or IT installer? Or does your customer or business partner request a test from an independent party? Then Sectricity is definitely a good choice!

No cure? No pay.


You meet the hacker beforehand. So you always know who's hacking and when. Moreover, there is a clear overview of possible errors and data leaks. So you always know in advance how much will be charged (or nothing at all, of course).


With this formula, you can have your business environment regularly checked for cyber security, even with low budgets. You don't pay unnecessary hours. If no bugs or data leaks are found, the service costs nothing. If we discover data leaks, you'll know immediately.


ou have nothing to lose. On the contrary! As an independent party, we often act as a control body for our clients. Even if your IT supplier says your environment is super secure, you can have it double-checked. That way, your company is always in top-cyber form.

Most Popular Penetration Tests


A penetration test on your corporate network shows whether hackers can penetrate your internal network. It also checks whether rogue employees or visitors can misuse data from within.


Websites, e-shops, portals or CRM systems are a gateway from the internet to sensitive data on your internal company network. Our pen test finds all vulnerabilities and advises the necessary countermeasures.


A penetration test is often a mandatory part of a certification or compliance process. Just think of the ISO 27001 certification. During this test, it is checked whether your company meets all the requirements.

Hacking facts and figures

Hacking is a serious problem for companies.

days it takes on average for a hack to be discovered
% of all hacking attacks can be easily prevented
% of digital burglaries have been patchable for more than 1 year

Speak with our ethical hackers today! Email:

Call: UK +44 7383 833041 or US +1 (646) 687 2163

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