Cyber Security Blog

Read our blog posts to stay on top of the latest developments, trends, and best practices in cybersecurity. Our experts regularly share valuable insights and tips to help you proactively protect yourself and your business from cyber threats and hackers.

Real-world Penetration Testing Scenarios: Everything You Need to Know

  Penetration testing is the simulation of cyber attacks on a computer system, network, or Web application to test its defenses and identify vulnerabilities. A pentest is a crucial part of companies’ cybersecurity strategy because it helps identify and fix flaws before they can be exploited by malicious hackers. In…

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Phishing in this new Corona Age

  Now that we all work from home and use email and WhatsApp more often, the number of Phishing messages circulating has increased significantly. From malicious emails posing as an official agency or well-known company to links to phishing websites forwarded via messaging, it’s very watchful in this new Corona…

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How to Build a Security Awareness Training Program

Establishing a security awareness training program is an important step all organizations should take to protect against cyber threats and data breaches. Educating employees on security best practices can help mitigate risks and keep your company and its sensitive data safe. Here are the steps to follow for a security…

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What is Security Awareness?

  Security awareness refers to the knowledge and understanding that individuals have about computer and network security, and the measures they take to protect against cyber threats. Employees need to have an awareness of information security as well as a sense of responsibility for it in order to prevent these…

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Recognizing and avoiding phishing e-mails

  Phishing e-mails are a common form of online scam that trick people into disclosing sensitive information or downloading malware. Every day, millions of people fall for these types of attacks, leading to financial losses, identity theft, and other types of fraud. In this blog post, we will discuss the…

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Using a Corona Phishing template?

  Hackers abuse the topicality of the coronavirus for their phishing emails. Do you have to do that as a business during your phishing exercise? Can you use a corona phishing template now? This question has been asked a lot the last few days. Supporters and opponents of a corona…

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Are your employees trained on Teleworking?

  Now that a lot of employees are working from home, we have to ask ourselves how well-trained they are in teleworking. Not all employees have extensive knowledge of IT and technology. Training in teleworking is therefore often recommended. Train your employees in IT management (light version) When employees work…

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The Importance Of Security Awareness Training

  Security Awareness Training (SAT) is becoming increasingly important for organizations. These training courses enable employees to better understand IT solutions and their relevance and to recognize potential problems more quickly. More and more companies are teaching their employees how to protect their own computers and personal and company information.…

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